When you live in a world where pleasure or even the thought of it makes people squirmish, what do you do?
Create a sex focused workshop to make people feel less squirmish and more ready to walk boldly into a life filled with pleasure!
That's what starting something is all about, seeing a problem and taking it head on. In a nutshell that's Chrispin + Crane, it's who we are and why we got started. Kind of a play on that whole Ghandi thing, yeah that one, the be the change you wanna see quote that every Instagram influencer turned reality TV star has framed on the hallowed walls of their offices and living rooms.
Last time we chatted (last week's blog), I went into a bit of detail about what needs to be true for me to feel comfortable starting something, but now I wanna talk about what it actually takes to start and not stop doing something. Let's just be honest, starting something is relatively easy, what's hard as dick is to actually continue doing what you've started.
Take C+C for example. Eb & I came together, put together this beautiful little thing and decided to share it with the world. That part was super easy, because in many ways, it feels like we were built for this, but like with everything in life, things happen and then what; how do you keep getting up, keep making this new thing feel fun and exciting while relating positively to your growth and maturation as a human?
I really believe you start by revisiting why you started this new thing in the first place, the next thing you need to do is ask yourself if you'd still enjoy doing this if you never blow up, make it big or earn another dime doing it. In other words do you really fucking love this or is it all for show?
Once you've gotten those things outta the way, you need to be able to check your ego, call yourself out, hold yourself accountable, and focus on the journey, not the destination. It's so easy to claim to want to possess a limited edition $42,300 Grand Seiko GMT, but how do I do that if I am not keen on diligently saving the money to do so, or how do I do that if I am content working at a job that doesn't provide the necessary funds for such a time piece to grace my less than dainty wrist. For us at C+C, accountability is a bit easier because I happen to benefit from an amazing partner who makes sure that I don't let myself slip, so if you don't have one get yourself a bomb ass accountability partner asap.
Two of the better reasons that I tend to hear when people explain stopping what they've started are often tied to time and money. They are such a great reasons and rarely do we even take ourselves to task on them because who has time to go searching for more money and who has the amount of money it takes so that time never feels like it is passing us by? I'll tell you: No one.
In our case, Eb & I don't have nearly enough of either, but it goes back to something I said earlier, how likely are you to keep doing this new thing if you couldn't make a dime from it (Don't get it fucked up our next three meetings will be focused on how we can make shit ton of money with C+C, this not being wealthy shit ain't cool - I am too damn big and tall for 16 hour flights in economy seats)? With C+C, at least for now, that answer is very likely. I really love what we've created, the problems we are helping to solve, the conversations we are hopefully pushing you to have with each other in hopes that our world will become a better place for it, and the forums we will keep creating where humans can express themselves freely sans judgement. In the moment, our work feels amazing, necessary and welcomed and if and when it stops feeling that way, we'll to stop to re-assess, re-calibrate or just walk away, but before we walk away, you can bet that we would have held each other and ourselves accountable, checked our egos, called ourselves out, identified why it no longer felt like fun, and given it one last try before calling it quits.
Whether you're starting something new, picking up something old, or just trying to make room to take on a new challenge, remember not to be too hard on yourself when you fall off the wagon; because inevitably we all fall, but the questions shouldn't focus solely on how or why we fell, it should also focus on the one we rarely feel comfortable answering; which is why we chose not to get up.